Here are some of the updates to the GPS Enhancement in the recent Bustops program update:
- improved labels on the map to identify stops on the GPS information
- support for 24/7 video systems
- enhanced GPS Event recognition -- users can define how the signals recorded by the GPS hardware (i.e. door activating, stop arm in use, flashing lights activated) are interpreted. For example, that a particular signal implies that a stop is taking place.
- the changes to the route sequence display mentioned in an earlier Blog entry and the zoom to stop feature.
These changes will be of particular interest to those of you who have the GPS Enhancement. If you don't have the GPS Enhancement but want more information on it, give Mary a call in the office.
Hope you are all having a pleasant summer.
Wow, time is flying and it's already mid-July. Most of you are doing well -- being most of the way through your route planning for the 2011-2012 school year startup.
This means that you're almost ready to start printing Letters to Parents, Bus Passes, Postcards or sending information to the newspaper. Then, you'll be printing the new routes to give to your drivers.
Don't forget ... before you start printing the reports, you should review some of them in the Preview screen and compare the information to the information in your students and stops database. You may need to run update commands in BUSTOPS, depending on which fields you're using in your reports.
We love helping you by answering your questions and showing you how to use BUSTOPS, but it is your responsibility to ensure the information in your BUSTOPS program is correct; and that the reports are correct.
And, as always, don't wait until the last minute to print your reports. Imagine how upset you'll be if your printer breaks or your network is down the day before you need the report.
Hope you're all enjoying the summer weather!
Just thought I'd post a quick note about something I'm working on to give back to the community.
2011 is the 100th Anniversary of the university I attended, WLU. They are running a promotion for alumni to do 100 hours of volunteer work in the community.
To this end, I've been working on crocheting baby blankets for the Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto. So far I have made 4 blankets and it's taken about 70 hours. I think if I finish 2 more, I'll have my 100 hours completed.
I'm very excited to be able to give back to this great Hospital that has helped a number of friends' and family's children.